Baker Mayfield Not Getting Shouted Out With All The Other NFL Players During Tonight's UFC Broadcast Was TOUGH To Watch

So I guess Baker Mayfield's year from hell doesn't stop when the number on the calendar changes but instead when the NFL season does. Because there is no other way to describe that snub. I know that Christian McCaffrey was essentially a nuclear bomb on the field as well as fantasy this season, Mark Davis is the most electrifying owner in sports entertainment today, Myles Garrett is one of the best players at one of the most important positions in the sport, and Tom Brady is the motherfucking GOAT. But if this fight happened 12 months ago right after Baker's rookie season was over, he may have been the goddamn closer of the Faces In The Crowd segment (settle down Pats fans, Tom Brady would have had a game to play the next day in this hypothetical). 

Yet tonight, Baker didn't even get MENTIONED. The announcer even set things up with the whole former number 1 overall pick line and instead decided to use it on Myles Garrett as the cameraman tried to block out the hooligan sitting next to the Browns legend. I know Myles is a legend to the combat sport game after he tried to bludgeon a man's head to bloody pulp using a football helmet as a weapon during a nationally broadcast game. But if you are the QB1 of an NFL team that was such the media darling that your face appeared during EVERY FUCKING COMMERCIAL BREAK, you absolutely have to get your name on that screen. Maybe it was the silly ass hat, maybe it was leading one of the most overhyped teams of the last decade to a 6-10 record. I don't know. Maybe he should have chosen something nicer and totally normal from his GQ photoshoot instead.

I guess Baker has one more slight to use as motivation for next season. 

P.S. Daniel Jones would never let this happen to him, likely because he is practicing in full pads with Coach Judge right now at MetLife and will watch the highlights of the fight in the ice tub later tonight.

Now back to Robbie for actual MMA analysis by a person who knows what the fook they are talking about.

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