Friday Afternoon #MailTime: Graduation Day

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Lotta kids out there donned their cap and gown and grabbed their diploma. Which means a lot of them are probably freaking out that their lives are over and all the fun has come to an end. Which, in a lot of respects, is very true. But I’m here to tell you that if you do it right, those years from 22-26 can be just as good as good as your college days. Its my Graduation Speech to all those kids out there about to entire the Cube Life and don’t know what to expect. Yea you might get a little bit fatter and a lot bit dumber, but for the next 4 years you get to party, hook up, and get trashed with money in your pocket and some entry level job that has barely any consequences. The good, the bad, and the ugly of life after college.

PS – I’d kill a man to go back to age 22. Cubicle and all I’d sign for that right now.

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