Tom Ricketts Got Booed Pretty Fucking Hard Last Night

I'd feel bad for Tom but no joke this is literally the dumbest thing anyone has ever said about Cubs fans

We want to continue to have the best relationship with our fans of any professional sports team in the world and that starts with the Marquee Network

If you give a shit about us Tom then you'll go sign Nick Castellabos, find a way to get rid of Jason Heyward's at bats, sign KB and Javy for the long-haul, give some bonus money to the Rizzo family if you can't restructure the deal, stop tearing down Clark street AND START SELLING MILLER LITE

I mean this isn't rocket science. There's no reason for a Boo-Urns on the Marquee Network. 

We're booing you because I'd honestly rather watch the Cubs on a 20 inch panasonic with the dial to change the channel in my dad's garage on WGN. 

Call me a traditionalist but there's something about grainy day-game footage that makes me feel a certain way about the Cubs. And just like Wrigley where they charge extra for every fucking thing under the sun now, we're going to get nickel and dimed to death at home too. It makes me sick that they think we're so stupid not to see this coming, and again this is without Nick Castellabos returning and no roster changes at all. This is basically the best news they have to offer while the team has gotten worse. 

So yeah Tom you got booed. Get this look off your face

And I know the Cubs hate my guts left and right, but you need some common sense behind the scenes working with your marketing and communications teams. You look dumb right now and we got a long season ahead of us provided nothing changes. My advice is you should be slightly more apologetic for ripping WGN from our cold dead hands after a 3rd place finish. 

My second piece of advice is to sign Nick Castellabos for whatever he's asking, and use the Marquee Network to pay for it. 

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