Crossfit Fails Compilation

Crossfit people are some of the most hated people on earth. So much so that its almost cliche to say you hate them. But they’re really just that bad. To the point that even normal workout maniacs even think these guys are assholes. Its not just lazy pieces of shit like me – its anybody who realizes you don’t need to be reenacting an episode of fucking American Ninja Warrior in order to get in shape. I mean look at this chick:

At no point when you’re wiggling your feet through a set of rings preparing to dangle upside down like some sort of goddam acrobat do you think, ya know maybe this is a little bit unnecessary? Herschel Walker is like the most physically fit specimen of all time and all he did was pushups and situps. Why these guys feel the need to turn it into such a goddam spectacle and film it and brag about it and all that other shit, I’ll never understand. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna go do 1,500 pushups and 2,000 sit ups.

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