In Honor Of 50 Cent At Citi Field Last Night, The Worst First Pitches In History


Last night, 50 Cent joined an exclusive club of celebrities who embarrassed the fucking shit out of themselves throwing out a first pitch at a ball game. So the question on everyone’s mind is, where does it rank as far as the all time debacles? Lets break it down. Top 10 here we go

10. Nolan Ryan

Not nearly as horrendous of a throw than the others on the list, but its Nolan fucking Ryan. Dude was a professional pitcher. Not like he’s some old lady or a little Asian girl or something. Has over 5,000 strike outs and like 35 no hitters. You’d think he can still hit his spots

9. Swaggy P

Not sure if this should be on a Best First Pitch or Worst First Pitch list. Just airmailed that shit like 50 feet in the air. 60 feet 6 inches just not enough room for all that Swag. 8. Mariah CareyWhy was Mariah Carey in stripper heels dressed up like someone from Back to the Future II? Why was she in Japan throwing out a first pitch at all? 7. Carly Rae JepsenCarly Rae with the circle change! 6. Carl LewisCarl Lewis needs to just stay away from all ceremonial shit at sporting events. First pitches, National Anthems, all that shit. If you’re gonna do the “raise the roof” pump up the crowd move you can’t fuck it up that bad 5.This Asian Chick:Almost impossible to throw a ball directly at the ground like that. Came close to hitting her own feet. She was a split second away from actually throwing that backwards. 4. Cincinatti Mayor:Ball looked like it got swept away by a huge gust of wind. Icing on the cake was Eric Davis dressed up like an 18 year old in the hood going to prom with a look on his face like he was genuinely offended how bad that throw was. 3. John Wall:The goofy girly wind up with the flailing arms is the real killer here. Dude is so smooth on the court but you put him on the bump and he looks like an awkward 8th grader whos still in the closet. Black guys just can’t throw baseballs well. Thats what it comes down too apparently. 2. 50 Cent

I think what does it for me is how 50 just stands there with his arms at his side for a split second afterward like “Well fuck this.” Like he didn’t expect that at all. Went up there truly expecting a perfect strike. Thats what I dont get – aren’t these people aware they suck at throwing a baseball?

1. Baba Booey:

The cargo shorts. Hitting the umpire. Bending over and staring at the ground realizing you badly you embarrassed yourself. The dejected look of “my boss is the most popular radio host in the world and is going to never let me live this down.” Just the perfect storm of embarrassment for Baba Booey

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