Jack McDowell Says White Sox Used Cameras To Steal Signs In 1980s

Real quick here because we have a meeting with the great tasting, less filling Miller Lite in a few moments.  I recommend you consume one before you continue reading this blog


Baseball teams cheat.  Players cheat.  Executive cheat.  It’s synonymous with the game.  Now this shit happened 30+ years and 3 or 4 commissioners ago so it’ll probably be a non-story in the grand scheme of things, but it shocks me none.


And neither does the steroid thing Blackjack mentioned.  We now have the White Sox, Yankees, Red Sox, Astros and Tigers (via the Chris Sale vs. Victor Martinez feud) all implicated for sign stealing in one way or another, at one time or another, and with wildly varying levels of success.  Nobody with a brain should assume their team doesn’t take part in shit like this.  Baseball as a whole doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt with it.  We should abide by Ancient Roman Code: guilty until proven innocent.

I mean, just look at what I stumbled upon yesterday trying to find out what those dirty assholes on the Northside have been up to?

Clear as day.  I caught you Theo, you snake in the grass.

Now obviously that’s not very American of me.  But baseball has been cheating since Abner Doubleday first published its rules.  Sad, but that’s just the way it is.

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