Pope Francis Receives Gift He'll *Definitely* Cherish Forever


KANSAS CITY, Mo. —Pope Francis was presented with a Patrick Mahomes jersey on Thursday.

Bishop James Johnston, who leads Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, gave the pontiff the jersey when he met with him, according to the Catholic News Service.

Pope Francis is known to be a big fan of the other football -- soccer. The Catholic News Service noted that he was smiling while looking at Mahomes' jersey.

A signed Patrick Mahomes jersey, nonetheless. The perks of going to good ole' Missouri, only the best gifts. Wouldn't it have been better to actually get Mahomes there in person? I mean, the Pope was in KC anyway. It couldn't have been that hard to convince him to come and meet the Pope. People travel all over the world to meet the Pope, I'm sure that 30 minutes out of Patrick's day wouldn't have been too much to ask.

Is it me or does this picture/gift just feel a little too...unreal. All I can think of when I look at it is that it looks like a jersey swap at the end of a (insert sport here) game. 

Example -

Joe Burrow and Drew Brees is a pretty weird jersey swap example, I know.

I doubt that Mahomes jersey even makes it back to the Vatican. Pope Francis does the nice thing of smiling and appreciating the gift like a 13-year-old who opened up a stick of deodorant on Christmas. He'll totally "forget" it in his hotel room or wherever he's staying just so he doesn't have to deal with it. Where is he supposed to put it? Hang it above his desk? Put it in the Vatican Archives? No. That puppy is staying in Kansas City and never being thought about by the Pope ever again. 

Ps- It must be pretty cool being the Pope. You get to ride around in the Popemobile, bless people, get gifts everywhere you go… seems like the life to me. 


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