Here's Your Front Runner For The First Ever Barstool Poker Tournament


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This is Tommy. Tommy is a New Jersey Stoolie who annoys the fuck out of me 365 days a year on twitter. He’s always crying about the Rangers and talking shit on my teams. And in between all that I constantly see him tweeting about poker. Its all the kid does – cry and play poker. And while I hate his guts, I gotta admit I think he has a strong chance at winning this tournament given how much he plays. So I’m gonna declare him the early front runner. Who wants to step up for me and beat him? Here are the details:

Its an online tournament Wednesday Night June 4th at 8pm taking place in New Jersey. You have to physically be in New Jersey to play. They check to make sure you’re in the right zip code so even though its online you gotta be in NJ. $20 buy in. The more people who join, obviously the bigger the prize. Top 50 finishers get Barstool hats and the sky is the limit as far as the purse.

Here is the link to sign up and deposit money. If you don’t use this link you won’t be able to enter our tournament.


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