Chick Beats The Shit Out Of 2 Dudes At A Gas Station (Slightly NSFW With Peter Griffin Type Nudity)

Live from the hood, indeed! These chicks went to fucking town on those dudes. And it wasn’t just straight up haymakers either. I mean most of it was but you catch the beginning of the fight where she whipped out some Judo shit and dodge that flying kick?

This fight was a wrap after that. He put himself in a compromising of weakness and then she just POUNCED. After landing like 35 punches and saying bitch 200 times that dude and his buddy were left wobbling on the streets like Glass Joe in Punch Out.

And this is why I maintain that I’d rather fight dudes than fight a black chick. They are just so wild and unpredictable and mean. Doesn’t matter that this chick was butt naked, barefoot in the gas station showing off her Peter Griffin tits and belly. She still had the eye of the tiger. Still waling on those dudes till they were crying for mercy. Like you would never see a black chick in a brawl tap out like that MMA fighter this morning. Sweep the leg, get him a body bag type of shit when they get goin.

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