CC Out Until July

NY PostCC Sabathia will be out until at least July, Brian Cashman told The Post. “It will be no sooner than six weeks from now,” Cashman said in discussing a potential return date for Sabathia. Sabathia received a stem cell treatment injection in his inflamed right knee from Dr. James Andrews late last week. Cashman said the Yankees were informed that if the process works, it would be a minimum of six weeks. Which means the Yankees would be without the lefty until July. The Yankees already are without Ivan Nova for the season following Tommy John surgery. Michael Pineda (lat) is throwing bullpen sessions, and Cashman said the second week of June is the target date for Pineda’s return if there are no glitches.

Well this sucks a bag of donkey dicks, but at the same time isn’t the worst thing in the world. Right now CC is not the CC we signed and have wanted. This is a skinny and ineffective CC that hasn’t figured out how to pitch with his new shitty body, and in turn was playing with some knee issues. Maybe taking some time off and not being very mobile will give him a chance to gain some weight, or figure out how to use his new smaller frame to his advantage. Either way, he hasn’t been effective and if having James Andrews inject him with something will fix it, I am all for it.

Another plus from this is that it will force management’s hand to make a trade. CC is going to come back close to the trade deadline and if the Yankees continue to keep their heads above water, a move will have to be made. I would love Jeff Samardzija but don’t think we have the pieces that the Cubs will want in return. One senario I have heard – and like – is trading for Cliff Lee and Chase Utley to take on their salaries and give up some prospects. I know they’re older, but I think Utley could have himself a good time with the short porch in right field, and Cliff Lee is the kind of post-season pitcher we are looking for.

You never want to see a guy you are paying a ton of money get hurt, but if it will fix him, I am all for taking the time to do it right.

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