"I Couldn't Be Prouder To Be A Fuckin' New York Ranger"

What a whirlwind 4 days for Marty St. Louis. Losing his mother Thursday & finding within himself the ability to help the Blueshirts fight off a 3-1 deficit is a roller coaster of emotions, I’m sure. Having to play on Mother’s Day no less, yet burying the goal that set his team and the Garden ablaze in front of his dad & sister watching with equally heavy hearts seems almost scripted. It was great to see for any sports fan, and his post-game speech is a cool glimpse into the humanity of the game.

Know what else was great to see? King Henrik pissing all up in Cindy Crysby’s mug.

Hey, spear guys in the yam bag then skate away to set up a teammate’s sucker punch, you’ve earned your royal facial. Is anyone in this series more shook right now than Sid? He’s only got a goal & two helpers – nothing on the power play – and, more times than not, has been just as invisible as Rick Nash. Everyone was worried that he might’ve broken out after Games 3 & 4 but instead he’s gone back to his scumbag ways. The cock shot wasn’t his only display. Who likes slew foots?

Whatever. Pittsburgh’s superstars are busy getting rattled by the Rangers‘ fourth line while Lundqvist is turning away 67 of 69 shots (and last night’s goal was off a NYR skate) just in time for Game 7. He’s won four of those in a row, including a pair on the road, and hasn’t been beaten for more than 1 in any of them. Meanwhile, the deeper the series goes, the more Fleury’s Fleurying. The Blueshirts have all the momentum. The Penguins have all the pressure. Tomorrow is gut-check time. Let’s go Rangers!

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