Zedd's "The Middle" vs Jimmy Eat World's "The Middle", Who Ya Got?


Way back in the day before Chernin, before the move to New York, before private planes and everyone knowing the rules, I did a blog every Saturday pitting two songs against each other. We had the absolute WORST technology (I mean, we still do, but it was even worse back then) and the blog took forever to put together, but it was worth it because it was fun. None of them work anymore because of the aforementioned terrible technology we have here (sidenote: our engineers are currently building a new blogging platform and it’s great. Still a bit buggy but it actually works the way you would expect the backend of a company such as our’s to work. And we have a mobile app for the first time. That’s right, we can finally blog from our phones. THAT’S RIGHT, we haven’t been able to blog from our phones til now. Brick by brick, baby).

But I digress. Where was I? Oh yes. The Middle vs The Middle. This idea has been marinating in my brain for quite a while now because every time I hear the Zedd song “The Middle” it dawns on me that this current generation of do-nothing whippersnappers don’t even realize there is another song called “The Middle” by Jimmy Eat World which very well could be the song of a generation. I couldn’t believe when Zedd decided to name his song “The Middle”. Like, dude, are you gonna name your next song “Strawberry Fields”? Maybe Zedd’s next collab will be called “Bohemian Rhapsody”? I certainly love that new Zedd song “Born In The USA”, said nobody ever.

But I guess we’re just allowing it? We’re allowing Zedd to get away with this? For shame. To me, there will only ever be ONE “The Middle” and it’s by a band from Mesa, Arizona that is abbreviated JEW, which they talked about here.

But I do wonder- which song will be remembered more? Because not for nothing, Zedd’s version is a smash hit. It was a top 10 song in like 150 countries. It was nominated for Emmys including song of the year. It is played in every bar and club across the country. Want to feel old? Jimmy Eat World’s “The Middle” came out in November of 2001. 19 years ago! I worry in my growing age that time is passing me by and “The Middle” I love and hold near and dear to my heart is no long “The Middle” everyone else holds near and dear to theirs.

So let’s leave it up to a vote- which song titled “The Middle” will ultimately be remembered as THE song?

Vote Now:

Follow me on Instagram if it’s Jimmy Eat World’s

Follow me on Twitter if it’s Zedd’s


And now, for your listening pleasure:

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