According to The "Fapstronauts" (Anti Porn Group) If You Watch More Than 4 Hours Of Porn A Week You're Addicted


Huffpo - Watching porn can certainly have a negative effect on your sex life. According to a survey of the NoFap community, a group of people who are attempting to quit masturbating to online pornography, 49 percent of the self-titled “Fapstronauts” have never had sex with another person. Additionally, 59 percent say they watched porn between four and 15 hours a week before swearing it off. In an effort to call attention to the problem,, a resource site for learning about addictions of all types, has taken the raw data from an April, 2012, “Fapstronaut” survey and produced the infographic below.

I don’t care what you say if you don’t think the name “Fapstronauts” is kind of cool you’re just a hater. Oh and I agree with them that anybody who watches more than 4 hours of porn a week is totally addicted and should seek help. I mean that’s freaking insanity. Like how many times does somebody beat off during those 4 hours? 1,000 times? Unless they are counting searching for videos as porn watching. Then I get it. But I don’t count that. I only count the time you press play to the time you shut it off. That’s like 2 minutes max each session. So yeah I’m with the Fapstronauts on this one. If you watch more than 4 hours of porn you are certifiable. But as far as saying people who fap twice a day are deviants? Well if that makes you a porn addict then put me in a straight jacket.

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