John Sterling Calls Home Runs For The Newest Yankees

With a lot of new faces on the team this year John Sterling has had to come up with new calls for their home runs and a bunch of you sent this video in on Friday. How do you think he comes up with these? I picture him just sitting in his house practicing them in the mirror and then beating himself up when it isn’t perfect. Honestly, if everything were exactly the same as when Nelson Van Alden whipped himself in Boardwalk Empire, I wouldn’t be shocked. The furniture, the process, everything.

Either way, some people hate Sterling but I enjoy his weirdness. I never listen to him call a game because I cant imagine a situation where I am listening to a game on the radio, but lately Kay has been so painful to listen too I might have to start muting the TV and listen to Sterling.

KFC Editor’s Note: I usually love Sterling’s home run calls but all these new ones are terrible. I love the passion with his Beltran call but A) Carlos Beltran Yankee home runs steal a piece of my soul and B) if you’re gonna go with a Spanish HR call for Beltran its gonna be El Esta Aqui! from his walk up song. Is he still using that? “Un correazo” translates into “A belting by Beltran” which I guess makes sense. Should have probably just stuck with English and gone with Beltran Belts One. But thats baseball, Suzyn.

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