This ex-St. Louis Ram Might Be the Worst Human Being in America

ST. LOUIS (AP)The St. Louis Rams said that an anti-military Tweet by former offensive lineman Ty Nsekhe is reprehensible, and coach Jeff Fisher also weighed in on the comment. After practice Tuesday night, Fisher said Nsekhe wasn’t in the NFL because he’s “not necessarily a deep thinker, OK?” Nsekhe responded to a tweet that NFL players shouldn’t make more money than soldiers by tweeting back: “It doesn’t take much skill to kill someone.” He later backtracked on those words:

I honestly can’t decide what’s more despicable, this T.Y. Nshekhe dipshit thinking it takes more skill to play football than it does to face death on a daily basis fighting terrorists, or those last two Tweets.  I mean, his first point is the perfect example of self-entitled pig ignorance.  Of a dope who’s grown up with zero life skills and no sense of perspective because God deemed it fit to make him big and fat enough to throw blocks.  But soldiers put their lives and health on the line in part so the T.Y. Nshekhe’s have the freedom to prove what towering fucking ignoramuses they are.  No, I think what bothers me even more is that he chose to backpedal with those two phoney baloney Tweets.  Look, TY: If you’re going to make the argument that making the practice squad of one of the worst teams in football takes more skill than being a Marine or helicoptering into Abbattobad and taking out Bin Laden, then own it. Don’t back off.  Make your case.  Dazzle us with your brilliant rhetorical arguments and explain to us how little skill it takes to defend a nation.  Instead of putting out some PR spin that is so obviously written by your agent that expecting us to believe it’s really you is actually more insulting than the original Tweet.  Next time, just admit you hate your country and the men who buy your freedom with their lives and limbs and it will go a lot smoother for all of us.

I just can’t believe in two generations we’ve gone from guys like Ted Williams, Yogi Berra, Bob Feller and Warren Spahn interrupting Hall of Fame careers to fight for their nation to T.Y. Nshekhe.  I weep for my country.  Kudos to the Rams for dumping this piece of shit as fast as they did.  [H/T to Mark S] @JerryThornton1

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