Another Year Of Lundqvist Playoff Hate Has Got Me All Emotional

I can’t take it. I know some of the “choke artist” talk about Lundqvist is simple rivalry trolling – but there’s plenty of casual fans who just assume it’s true. You motherfuckers are getting me all emotional. I feel like TO when he cried while defending Tony Romo. *sniffle* That’s my goalie… *sniffle* *tear* Does Hank have any rings to show off yet? Nope. That sure as shit has nothing to do with his individual playoff performances.

His numbers speak for themselves. Out of all goalies in the history of the league with 50+ postseason appearances, Lundqvist ranks 6th in save percentage. 11th in goals-against. ALL-TIME. He’s played 4 Game 7’s and won his last 3 by surrendering 1 or less in each. His lone loss was in ’09 by a 2-1 score. Last year, with the Rangers down 3 games to 2, he reeled off back-to-back shutouts against Ovechkin’s Capitals to advance. Against the Bruins, his Blueshirts could only muster 6 goals in their 4 losses – spoiling a pair of opportunities where Hank allowed just two past him.

Two years ago, he was the biggest reason the Rangers met the Devils in the Conference Finals. In the two prior series, both of which went to 7 games, Lundqvist allowed more than 2 just four times. Never more than 3. That includes the quadruple-OT game against the Caps where he was beaten only once. After shutting out NJ in two of the first 3 games in the Finals, it’s at least understandable he broke down at the end. Carrying an entire NHL franchise every other day for over a month can do that. No excuses, I get it – but again, without standing on his head against OTT & WAS, the Blueshirts don’t even make it out of the first round. In ’10-’11, he got less than 2 goals support. That’s how you lose a series in 5 despite a 2.26 goals-against.

Bottom line – he’s far from a “choke artist” come playoffs. He’s not Marc-Andre Fleury (I know he’s won a Cup, but outside of two big games vs Detroit he’s been awful) or Roberto Luongo. *sniffle* He’s my goalie… *sniffle* *tear* and his time will come.

Check out KFC Radio’s Stanley Cup playoffs podcast hosted by @CharlieWisco with Rear Admiral, myself & Chief.


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