Gomes' Beer Punt Busted Some Old Guy's Face Open Last Night





So people are saying that this guy got hit in the face with a beer that Gomes punted into the stands last night. and I guess some people are worked up about it. They say Gomes was acting immaturely and irresponsibly by kicking Bud Lights into a crowd. Don’t think so. Anyone ever been to a baseball game? Before it even starts the PA announcer tells you to be on your toes. You’re immediately warned that sometimes things that could cause you bodily harm fly into the crowd. Be they foul balls, diving shortstops, or celebratory beers… it doesn’t matter. When you’re at a baseball game, it’s your job to be ready in the stands and to catch anything that comes your way. That’s how you leave Fenway with an AL East title and your face intact.

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