Does This Look Like the Face of a Guy Who Attacked a Cop Who Was Breaking Up a Cheerleader Fight at a Midget Football Game?

CARLISLE, Pa. (WHTM)A Harrisburg man was arrested for assaulting an off-duty state police trooper who was trying to break up a fight between two Carlisle Midget Football cheerleaders, police said. North Middleton Township police said they charged 29-year-old Damien Jones with aggravated assault, simple assault, harassment and disorderly conduct after he attacked the off-duty trooper at a game Sunday evening at Village Park. Police said the trooper had identified himself to the cheerleaders and attempted to take one of them into custody when she refused to stop fighting. Several people tried to pull the trooper away from the cheerleader and Jones, the girl’s uncle, attacked the trooper and threw him to the ground, police said. The trooper, identified as Scott Roussell, then took Jones into custody at gunpoint… charges are pending against a 13-year-old cheerleader from Swatara Township who allegedly initiated the fight.

I’m as Law & Order as they come.  Believe me, I respect the cops.  Which is why I’m one of the few guys I know who doesn’t have a set of permanent Weymouth Police-issue flashlight-shaped indentations embedded in my skull.  So it’s rare that I’m on the side of the lawbreakers, but I 100% support Damien Jones on this one.  It doesn’t matter who you are, you simply do not get in the middle of a youth football cheerleader fight.  Those chicks have a warrior’s code that they live by, and they die by.  They settle their shit in the ring.  And when they do battle, you step back and let them handle it.  If the North Middleton Township chick dies, she dies.  That’s the life they chose when they signed up for the dog-eat-dog world of Carlisle Midget Football cheering.  Anyone who gets in the middle of that deserves what they get.  @JerryThornton1

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