EX Patriot Brian Holloway Was The Victim Of A Project X Style House Party While He Was Out Of Town And Now He’s Kicking Ass And Taking Names


Dailymail - A former NFL player’s home was broken into and thoroughly trashed by teenagers in upstate New York over Labor Day weekend. Brian Holloway, a three time all-pro lineman for the New England Patriots, arrived to his second home in Stephentown on Tuesday to find it covered in urine, graffiti and empty cups and booze bottles.hile he and his family were in Florida, the area high schoolers broke into the $1.5 million house and then with the help of Twitter quickly attracted hundreds of their peers from miles around.

Now Holloway, himself a father of 8, has used the same social media methods to gather 100 of the kids’ names and posted their Twitter messages and photos to a site called HelpMeSave300.com. “I want to put aside the very strong emotions I’m feeling and focus on the one thing that is extremely clear the lives of these 300 students. I want them to live. I’ve seen too many young people die because of excessing partying, drugs and alcohol.’ The site he’s created features extensive photos of his trashed 5,000 square foot second residence. Along with the aftermath photos, Holloway has made the decision to post photos and messages he’s gathered from the social media accounts of the party going teens. While he’s turned the criminal part of the case over to local police, Holloway is now on a mission to save the kids who trashed his house and those like the,. ‘300 dreams can be recovered,’ writes Holloway. ‘The 300 are at a key turning point, the decisions they made to commit crimes, drink illegally, destroy property, selling drugs and do drugs are dangerous decisions.’ ‘We need to take a stand and respond as a community,’ he said. ‘The next flash party, I guarantee you, is being planned right now, and it’s not going to be at my house. It’s going to be at someone else’s.’

 (Help Me Save The 300)

Looks like these kids picked the wrong 3 time pro bowl ex lineman’s house to have a project X party in huh? Brian Holloway is not fucking around here. Just buying domain names, setting up websites and wearing his #76 Holloway Pats jersey and shit.  Listen do I think he’s kind of over-reacting talking about trying to save these kids lives before it’s too late? Yeah probably. I mean these are just moron high school kids being moron high school kids. Hell my friends were arrested for breaking and entering in high school for the same exact shit. Went to a party where the owner wasn’t home.  But having said that if these kids did this to my house I’d do my best to destroy em.  I’d be doing the same exact thing Brian Holloway is doing except not under the guise of trying to help them.  I’d be doing it not to recover their dreams, but to shatter them.   Like forever.

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