This Is A Tyler Herro Appreciation Post

I don’t want to alarm anyone on this fine Sunday morning, but there are a lot of cocky basketball players in the world. It’s true, there’s no need to look more into this, just take my word for it. Even within the vacuum of just basketball players there are a ton of rookies who come into the League who have never been humbled. They’ve been the man as long as they can remember and no one has ever had the skill to temper than cockiness until around this point in time of their rookie campaigns where they get humbled and have to start back at square one, rebuilding that confidence one day at a time. This is not a paragraph that applies to Tyler Herro.

Tyler Herro has what can only be described as a sociopathic level of confidence. He believes in himself so much that even Jimmy Butler believes in him. Gaining Jimmy Butler’s respect as a young teammate may be the hardest feat to accomplish in all of basketball.

There are plenty of vets who, if placed into the exact same scenario as Herro last night, drive for the layup, maybe draw a foul, but play it safe and just get the tie. I don’t think it ever crossed Herro’s mind that someone would play for the tie in that situation. Why get two points when I could simply make three right here right now? Granted, this game ended up going to overtime because Philly ran an intentional missed free throw play which surprisingly worked to perfection, but Miami still held on to win the game. That doesn’t happen without this truly psychotic pull from Herro.

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