Does This Look Like the Face of A Hooker Who Bumped Into A Guy She Had Sex With The Previous Night And Stabbed Him Because He Pulled Her Hair During Sex?


SunSentinal – Angela Dawn Specker was charged on Saturday with aggravated battery after she allegedly cut the man on September 5th who had allegedly paid her $100 for sex the previous night, according to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office. The man and the 37-year-old Marathon woman presumably must have had an awkward post-sex encounter after running into each other the very next day just as he was just leaving Walgreen’s liquor store in Marathon. Specker reportedly pulled out a knife and cut his forearm and told him “perfect timing,” according to the Sheriff’s Office. Specker told the investigating detective that she stabbed the man because she was angry about the way he had treated her the night before, claiming he had been aggressive by slapping her and pulling her hair as they tried to have sex. When he “finished,” Spector said, he threw $100 at her, according to the report.

I think this lady has seen Pretty Woman one too many times. Seriously what did she expect to happen here? That this dude was gonna whisper sweet nothings into her ear, turn on some Barry White and gently make passionate love? Nope. He’s gonna pull your hair, slap you around, jizz in your eye and throw money at you. In other words he’s gonna treat you exactly like how a busted 100 dollar prostitute is supposed to be treated. You can’t be going around stabbing him the next day because he didn’t treat you like a lady. That’s bullshit. Not to mention it’s bad for business. Like who wants to hire a hooker who gets her feelings hurt and stabs you because you had rough sex? Reputation killer.

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