Whoops! Lady Gets Pissed Blazers Fans Were Screaming 'Fucking Jew Holiday' On Hanukkah Night ... Turns Out They Were Actually Yelling 'Fucking Jrue Holiday'

Reading this all I could think about was this scene from The Hangover

Just your classic mix up. Here you are enjoying date night in Portland at a Blazers game only to have anti-semites yelling 'fucking Jew Holiday' right behind your head. Turns out the Pelicans have a pretty good lead guard named Jrue Holiday. Decent night for him too

Now part of me questions just how true this is, but that's just the pessimist in me, even on Christmas. But either way it's a viral story and that's what we're here for. What I need to know is exactly how long she thought they were chanting Jew Holiday? Because if she's sitting there with her boyfriend, who she says is well-versed in hoops, you'd think that'd get addressed pretty quick. Part of me is putting the blame on him though, you have to prepare your significant other, your friend, whomever you're going to a game with in terms of what to watch for. Obviously with Zion not playing you prepare for Jrue Holiday. 

Hope everyone is having a fucking Merry Christmas, not to be confused with former Temple great Dionte Christmas. 

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