Report: The NFL is Struggling to Find a Way to Blame Spygate 2 on the Patriots Football Ops

Source - The NFL continues to investigate the New England Patriots for videotaping the Cincinnati Bengals’ sideline, but they are reportedly struggling to connect the scandal to the team’s football operations. That is great news for the Patriots, who would face a much steeper penalty if a connection is made. 

NFL investigators spent time over the last few days interviewing members of the Patriots, according to a report Pro Football Talk’s Mike Florio. That included collecting devices from certain individuals, which Florio reports is to see if they can connect the scandal to the New England football ops. department.

“As one source explained it, there’s a sense that investigators want to make that connection, and a perception that they are showing frustration when unable to tie the video crew to the football employees,” Florio reported.

If no connection is made, the penalty against the Patriots is expected to be minimal.

Well this explains a lot.

It is explains It explains why "Spygate 2: The Last Spywalker" is still dragging on. It explains why an investigation that should've taken at most two days has taken two weeks and counting. It explains why something that should've been over when the Patriots offered full cooperation, handed over the camera, let the league interview anyone they wanted to talk to and suspended the TV production guy in charge of the film shoot has bled over into Christmas, with no end in sight. 

The NFL has all the information they need. But they haven't issued a ruling yet and the reason is as simple as this: They haven't found the Patriots football operations guilty yet. So they've got to keep working at it until they do. 

Here's a method they should try. It was really popular for a long period in human history and there's no reason it won't work here. They just have to put Bill Belichick in a Witch Dunking Basket, drop him into a river and keep him underwater for 10 or 15 minutes. When they pull him out, if he's still alive, then he clearly used his Dark Magical Spying Powers to save himself. And when they pull him out if he's drowned, then they know he's innocent. It won't do him much good, but at least you'll have proven beyond a doubt what the truth is. So problem solved. 

Because back then as with the NFL in the 21st century, every time people go on a witch hunt, they always find a witch.

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