If Johnny Football Beats Alabama Saturday Does He Become The Most Legendary College Football Player of All Time?


I’ve been thinking about this all week. Listen Johnny Football is already a legend. He alreadywon the Heisman Trophy as a Freshman. He already beat Alabama. He’s already fucked every chick in Texas. He’s an absolute animal off the field. Party city. He gave the NCAA the bird. He got kicked out of the Manning Camp for being hungover.  He’s been on the cover of every major magazine in the country.  Hell freaking CBS has a Johnny Cam that will follow him 24/7 on Saturday.  On and on it goes. His life is like a movie except it’s real. And now big bad Alabama is rolling into town. The team that everybody has already handed the National Championship this year. The team that has won the last 2 titles. The team that many are calling the greatest football team in the history of college football. Well my question is what happens if Johnny Football beats them again? How much bigger can the legend get? He’s instant Paul Bunyon/Joe Namath /Johnny Be Good status. I don’t think people get how rare this is. To watch somebody you know is a legend while the legend is being created. Like gun to head if you told me I could pay to watch one athlete play right now it would be Johnny Football. The most dynamic person on and off the field. And there is nothing I want more than for him to kick Alabama’s teeth in again and watch the legend grow.

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