Terrell Owens Reacts To Getting Snubbed From The NFL 100 List In A Very Calm And Rational Way

Terrell Owens is the humble type. The kinda guy to take being left off a list like this in stride because he was comfortable with his accomplished, Hall of Fame career and sought out no more validation from others. Wait, no, excuse me I was reading my LaDainian Tomlinson index card. Terrell Owens is the type to log on to Twitter dot com minutes after the list had been announced to attack it ruthlessly and without fear of repercussion.


This was a, uhhh, BOLD decision, in my opinion. For really no other reason than… what on Earth was this supposed to accomplish? You @ the NFL and then the NFL goes, “Whoa shit wait a minute, really? Steve, STEVE, get over here quickly. Did you see this? Did you know about this? You DID know about this? Well, when were you gonna tell me?” And then re-tape Belichick and Collinsworth replacing Marvin on the list with you? This may be the least efficient snitching I’ve ever seen. There was no upside to this tweet, only tremendous, substantial downside unlike the world has ever seen.

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