Alcoholic Court Reporter Goes Rogue, Types "I Hate My Job" Over And Over Again Instead Of Recording Court Transcripts

NY Post – An alcoholic Manhattan court stenographer went rogue, channeling his inner “Shining” during a high-profile criminal trial and repeatedly typing, “I hate my job, I hate my job” instead of the trial dialogue, sources told The Post. The bizarre antics by Daniel Kochanski, who has since been fired, wreaked havoc on some 30 Manhattan court cases, sources said, and now officials are scrambling to repair the damage. One high-level source said his “gibberish” typing may have jeopardized hard-won convictions by giving criminals the chance to claim crucial evidence is missing. Kochanski’s botched transcripts include the 2010 mortgage-fraud trial of Aaron Hand, who was also convicted of trying to hire a hit man to take out a witness against him. A source familiar with the case said Kochanski’s transcripts of that trial were a total mess. “It should have been questions and answers — instead it was gibberish,” the source said. And in a scene right out of 1980’s “The Shining,” where Jack Nicholson’s off-the-rails writer repeatedly types “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” a source said of Kochanski: “He hit random keys or wrote, ‘I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job,’ over and over.” Claudia Trupp, of the Center for Appellate Litigation, said her office was handling the appeals in Hand’s and nine other cases. “I never had a situation where a single court reporter was responsible for so much damage,” she said.  Ex-wife Heather Kochanski said, “The pressure of that job pushed him over the edge, leading him to lose everything.” By phone Wednesday, Kochanski denied screwing up his transcripts. “I never typed gibberish. I always did my job 100 percent. I was let go because of substance abuse,” he said.

Hands down one of the best MailTime stories I’ve ever heard. We’re a little less than half way through 2014 and I gotta put Danny Kochanski, the alcoholic rogue court reporter, at the top of the list for Mailman of the Year. I can’t think of any job less satisfying than being a court reporter. You’re just a secretary slave permanently taking notes for dickhead lawyers and snobby judges and criminals. Sitting there with your weird ass court room typewriter typing away until your fingers bleed and your mind melts. I mean Christ almighty his ex wife said the pressure of that shitty ass job was so severe he fucking lost everything.

What better way to shove right up the Justice System’s ass than to get shitfaced and just write “I hate my job” over and over again for 30 straight cases. Go fuck yourself, Judge! Why can’t you assholes just fucking record every case? Set up a goddam camera or a tape recorder and record everything everyone is saying? Is 2014 – why the fuck do we need a dude on a typewriter to write everything down? How about I just get shitfaced and write gibberish every single trial? Precious little lawyers and judges who expect some slave to write down everything they ever say just incase they wanna go back and read it. Fuck that and fuck you! Its Mailtime, Court Stenographer edition!

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