The Latest Player Of The Week Announcement Probably Has James Harden Very Upset In The Strip Club

Let me start this off by saying LeBron 100% deserved to be Player Of The Week. I may be vomiting as I type that but come on, a 4-0 week with 29.3/9.3/10.5 averages on 52.9/46.9% splits, 3.8 3PM a night and a 62% TS%, that's some ridiculous production. 

but holy shit James Harden is probably furious in the strip club right now. You may remember a few weeks ago he dropped 60 points in 3 quarters and averaged over 40 for the week and then this happened

and now here we are in a week where Harden goes back to back games of at least 54, does it by taking a combined 11 FTs, and yet again he's coming up short. The man averaged 44 a game for crying out loud and it's not crazy to think he wasn't the most deserving. Part of this just goes to show what a ridiculous level some of these guys are reaching and that you can't afford to lose to teams like SAC/DET if you want to win this award. The other part begs to question though, what does Harden have to do to ever win this award again? He got it in early November, has had multiple insane weeks since, and has come up empty every time.

It is pretty crazy though that we live in a state of the league where a guy can drop 109 points in two games and it still wasn't even the best performance of the week.

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