A Barstool Writer Faces His Greatest Nemesis


BOSTON (CBS)Fridays on Felger & Mazz are typically reserved as “Agenda-Free Fridays,” but for a brief moment this week, it could have been called Jerry Thornton vs. Dan Shaughnessy and Ron Borges. Thornton, the Barstool Sports Patriots writer, confronted Shaughnessy on what seemed like a decade’s worth of grievances acquired over the years. The two mostly made nice, but not before Thornton said what he felt necessary.The guys then moved on to discuss the Rolling Stone article on Aaron Hernandez… Shaughnessy and Thornton later went back and forth about Belichick and the way he treats the media.

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So there it is.  A battle that was years in the making.  After thousands of Shank articles painting the people of Boston as clueless morons.  Hundreds of hatchet jobs ripping the athletes and coaches of this town even while they brought us championships.  Dozens of columns portraying New Media guys as shiftless losers living in their mom’s basement.  And scores of brilliant counterattacks by Dave and me, a Barstool writer finally got to face our oldest and most formidable foe.  I’m a guest in Felger and Mazz’ house, so I couldn’t go all scorched Earth on Shaughnessy’s ass.  On the other hand, after eight years of calling the CHB out for his drivel, I couldn’t be a hypocrite and just play nice either.  I felt owed it to every one of us to carry the Stool banner proudly.  It wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t pretty and if I could I might change a word or two.  But I regret nothing.  From a dead end day job, a mediocre stand up career and a writing gig for a smut site, a hero will rise…

Viva la Stool.

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