Today Seems Like A Good Time To Bring Back Pornhub Comments Of The Week

It's been a while since the last time we had an installment of Pornhub Comments of the Week. But for some reason I woke up this morning and it just felt right to bring it back. As if the comments were just calling to me for some reason. Sometimes you just need to take a step away from something before you can really cherish what you had before, ya know? 

But we're going to do something a little different this time around. I hope that's okay with all of you. Because since the last time we had a Pornhub COTW, apparently there's only one video that everybody seems to be watching and talking about lately. 

Yup. That's the one. So while this latest installment might be a little different from the previous versions before, I'm sure you'll find that at their core, these comments all exemplify everything that the originals ever stood for. 

Kendall is one of the biggest celebrities in the world, no doubt. But there's a reason why she's still not even in the same stratosphere as Kim. That's just Mogul 101 for ya. 

The things I would do to have Milmore's brain for just a day. The thing is a goddamn vault. I'm starting to think that maybe he's a witch or something with how easily he's able to just conjure up the perfect reference for anything Barstool related. It's intimidating to say the least. 

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Just a little tip to all the boys and girls back home. Hard work clearly pays off because that form is looking impeccable these days. 

The Bagwell references have been bountiful today but they're all just so good. And it's for sure a power stance. Certainly wasn't just hitting a single through the gap. 

Spot the lie. You absolutely, positively, 100% cannot. And credit to Dana for possibly even out-Milmoring Milmore on this one. Either way, the amount of old videos out there that lead up to this moment couldn't possibly be any more perfect. Almost like this was destiny. 

Not that Dave would ever consider me his buddy or anything but I think we found out today there's only one answer to this question. Does the Pope shit in the woods?

Honestly the fact that the video didn't start with "Alright, Frankie" was throwing me off. 

Speaking of that twerp Rovell, has he crunched the numbers yet on how much Barstool's value has gone up after this video yet? Forget about going to the moon, Portnoy might be able to own it now. 

Just another day for the Pirate Ship. 

Have yourselves a weekend, you dirty perverts. And don't forget to stay sexy out there. 


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