The Giants Release Janoris Jenkins 2 Days After He Called A Fan The R Word On Twitter During Practice

So that exchange happened on Twitter the other day. During the time the Giants were practicing no less! KMarko blogged it then a day later Janoris Jenkins clarified his remarks by saying they were a part of his culture and his dad told him to speak freely while always owning up to what you say, which I guess is just saying that you didn't want to offend anybody but what you said is simply part of your culture?

I believe our guy Donnie said it best.

Since the Giants have devolved from being known as one of the "classy" franchises of the NFL to one of the shitbomb franchises of the NFL both on the field and off the field in like 5 years flat, I wasn't surprised we didn't get any sort of action or statements from the front office.

Then this came across my timeline.

I'll admit that I got excited when I first saw this because I was wondering what it could mean. The obvious answer was Jenkins was no longer playing for the worst team in football over the last few seasons, which wouldn't be a surprise after his comments. But maybe, just maybe someone else was walking out the door right before him. Could it be Blitzin' Jimmy Bettcher? Pat Shurmur? Or maybe the big dog, Davey Gettleman. Nope, Janoris was celebrating losing his job right before the weekend (and of course the playoffs).

I could go on a rant about how annoying it was that the Giants didn't trade Jenkins for anything the last couple of lost seasons when he still had any sort of value or that watching him ole' ball carriers like he was Roger Dorn drove me nuts. But instead I'll give the Giants credit for doing the right thing before they were pretty much forced to do the right thing (*cough, Josh Brown, cough*) and let Jenkins go so it is only a four ring circus around this team instead of being a five ring circus like it's been during December for the last few years.

Truth be told, I have no clue how circus rings work. But I feel like 5 is as crazy as it gets, which is an honor the Giants DBs have earned ever since this franchise went directly inti the shitter back in 2017.

All in all, the Janoris Jenkins Experience was about what we expected it to be when he signed here. He was a lockdown corner for a short while and had some flat out embarrassing if not wild stories.

I guess this is the part of the blog where I wish Janoris and the contending team that inevitably signs him for a playoff push good luck. But I honestly don't want to even think about football until the Maras and Tisches shove a douche up this franchise's ass and give it a much-needed cleaning.

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