We Don't Deserve Boban

I don't think I'm alone when I say we as a people need more Boban in our lives. When is the last time you saw anything, whether it was content or his play on the court and you didn't enjoy yourself. OK so maybe his P&R coverage in the playoffs when he was on the Sixers but you get the idea. It's impossible to watch Boban do literally anything and not enjoy it and this new video series is a prime example. Did I know I needed to see Boban go to the Texas State Fair? Nope, but my life is now better having seen it. It's a shame that the Bobi & Tobi show is no longer a thing since he and Tobias Harris are no longer teammates 

I don't know if it's his gigantic size, the accent, how genuine he is or maybe a combination of all three but I could watch Boban for hours. He just seems like such a fun guy and someone who doesn't take himself too seriously. It has to be impossible to not have fun hanging out with Boban and I'd love to do it some day. 

I'll also have you know, he's been pretty damn solid as a Maverick this season too. Playing around 13 minutes a game averaging 7.5/5.5 with 55% shooting in 10 appearances. Just think what he could do if his conditioning wasn't absolute dogshit. He'd be more dominant than Wilt and you cannot convince me otherwise

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