RIP To Pete Frates

I actually wrote this blog about Pete when it was falsely reported by Mike Barnacle that he died 2 years ago. I was thankful that I wrote it because I knew Pete got to read it while he was alive. Now unfortunately I have to post it again. I got a text from his brother that the end was near this morning. Real simple Pete is one of the best dudes I met doing Barstool Sports. There are very few people I’ve met who I can say with 100% conviction that I’m better for knowing him, but Pete was one of them. A North Shore guy who became the face of the Ice Bucket challenge and the fight against ALS. He did things after getting diagnosed that nobody would have dreamed he could do. He and his family raised more awareness and money for ALS than anybody would have dreamed possible. But he was way more than that for me. The thing that always struck me with Pete is that he was a constant reminder to live life to the fullest. To not take anything for granted. Because this disease can strike anybody at anytime. Pete could have been me or you or any Stoolie. His group of friends is exactly like my group of friends. They played sports growing up. He was a star athlete. They busted each others balls. Just normal dudes being normal dudes. Yet Pete was the one who had to fight this disease and that’s exactly what he and his family did. He never felt bad for himself. He and his family attacked life and battled this disease in a way that almost seemed like he was specifically chosen to carry this burden. He lived a truly remarkable life and while the news is obvious sad his legacy will live on. It’s cliche to say we should celebrate a passing but if anybody’s life should be celebrated it’s Pete Frates. I could live for 500 years and not make the impact Pete Frates did. RIP buddy.

Here is a link to donate to the Pete Frates fund because even though his life has ended the battle against ALS continues

Donate in honor of Pete

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