Jerry Jones Is Going To Give Jason Garrett A Little More Time!

Tonight the Cowboys got boat raced by the Bears. It wasn’t even nearly as close as the final score showed. At times it looked like the players quit. The Cowboys missed so many tackles tonight it was comical. Dak looked butt awful. It was a mess. But do not fret, Cowboys fans. Your trusted owner/GM is going to give Jason Garrett a little more time. I mean sure, this is the most talented Cowboys squad of the decade. And sure, they are 6-7 now. But still in first place! And even better news, the players are buying in!!!!

Lmao. I mean..this is awesome. Watching the Cowboys implode like this while Jerry Jones gets more clueless and senile every day.

But insiders do think this is Garrett’s last season in Dallas (why they don’t fire him today is beyond me):

They’ll go for the home run hire. But it’s laughable Jason Garrett took the plane home, nevermind that he’s going to be coaching next week. Crazy. There’s still a chance he is axed, but those quotes are what the word is now.

And all the while, the Redskins are still in the hunt for the playoffs for one more day. For real. It’s all so great.

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