Miltons Pimp My Look



White shades, the ultimate no-no.



Time to reload the Miltons machine. Send all sob stories to or and help us help you. And you need to send pictures! If you sent an email without a picture resend with one to be considered.




Today’s Contestant 



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Every group of friends has THAT one guy. Meet Ilester Little aka Little Ilester, proud ambassador of the Franklin Pierce hockey team.  Not only does he have the worst style, but also the squarest wheels. He likes to think he goes home with 10s but usually he wakes up next to a good old Saskatchewan Sasquatch. This guy is truly more lost than a missing person. Other than that Little Ilester is a purebred gem of a human-being that never says no to a few cold ones which turn into a five day bender.  So Prez, help the kid out! 


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