Bloomberg- The owners of the New York Mets are in talks to sell up to 80% of the Major League Baseball team to billionaire Steve Cohen, who is already an investor in the club, according to person familiar with the matter. The transaction would value the team at $2.6 billion, said the person, who asked not to be identified because the talks are private. The Mets confirmed the talks in a statement.

Fred Wilpon, the team’s principal owner, will remain in his current role for at least five years, at which time Cohen will have a path to controlling the franchise, said the person. Jeff Wilpon, his son, will remain as the team’s chief operating officer for the five-year period, the person said. Cohen, whose net worth is $9.2 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, will remain as chief executive of Point72 Asset Management, the person said. He didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

TIKI DON'T LIE!!!!!!!!

Oh my God oh my god oh my god. Is this actually happening? Look, I am not asking any Mets fans to pop champagne or even put a bottle on ice just yet. But perhaps start perusing around your local liquor store to find a good brand within your budget to celebrate. Since this is Barstool SPORTS, all this 5 year mumbo jumbo makes no sense to me. But people who work in the field that Large used to tell me that:

A. Cohen may be purchasing up to 80% of the team after those 5 years are up 


B. He is a fucking awesome guy to work for and to have own your favorite team, which means the Mets would probably start spending like the big market team they are once again, whether that's in 5 minutes or 5 years.

Wikipedia also tells me that he doesn't give a fuck about rules (apparently the show Billions is modeled after him)

Suddenly the Beltran hiring makes a ton more sense! And I couldn't care less about Zack Wheeler signing with a division rival. The Mets are at most 5 years away from competing with the big boys again if this sale goes through and that could happen even sooner depending on when Steve wants to start pumping money in this operation. I mean look at these numbers. They are crazier than anything Petey Alonso put up on Statcast last year.

Now go get me Anthony Rendon, Gerritt Cole, and a surprise Big Stevey!!!

Then again, this is the fucking Mets and they have earned their reputation for fucking up when things are not only looking really bad but also looking really good. In which case, I imagine there will be a riot at Citi Field if not in all 5 boroughs and Long Island.

Regardless of what happens, today redemption is spelled T-I-K-I. Now if you will excuse me, I have some researching to do as I start a Countdown Clock To Glory set at 5 years.

UPDATE: I may not have to induce myself into a coma just yet!

Good thing I saw that tweet before entering the coma machine I just built. Boy would my face have been red if I missed out on Steven Cohen's first game as Mets owner.

Also if you are a Mets/Giants fan gypsy like myself, you have to absolve Tiki Barber from any and all grudges you hold against him. It’s the right thing to do and we need nothing but positive vibes right now. Retire that man's number at MetLife and Citi Field!

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