The Rockets Thinking The NBA Is Going to Award Them The Win Or Restart The Game After James Harden's Missed Dunk Last Night Is Not Being Talked About Enough

I don't feel like this is being talked about enough. Greenie touched on it very briefly in his recap blog but it deserves its own blog. The Houston Rockets believe that because James Harden's dunk, with 7:50 left in their game against the Spurs, did not count that they should either be AWARDED THE WIN or be allowed to replay the game from that point on. That is such a preposterous idea that I'm almost on board if I didn't hate Harden so much. One dunk with eight minutes to go. Yeah, start the game over. 

Someone on the Rockets actually believes either of those two options are in the realm of possibility. That's the best part. You think the NBA cares that much about a regular season game where there was a bad call midway through a quarter that it would flat out award a win to a team that lost? What are we talking about? It should have been a dunk, obviously. In no reality or alternate dimension is the NBA going back and restarting the game or even better just giving the Rockets the win. Imagine we got an alert right now saying the Rockets have been awarded the win over the Spurs from last night because of a dunk with 7:50 left in the game that didn't count? The reaction would be so amazing we might need it to happen. 

The Rockets blew a 20+ point lead in this game. I could see if it was a neck and neck game throughout, wire to wire. Not really, but it's at least a better argument. If Harden's dunk was at the buzzer to tie or win it we can at least have this conversation. But no that's not what happened. Harden and Westbrook combined to miss 50 shots. FIFTY. That's why you lost. The Rockets blew this gigantic lead and they're going back to one singular play with almost eight minutes to go to justify the game result being overturned. I got news for you, if the Saints didn't get last year's NFC Championship Game with the blown DPI overturned it's not going to happen for a December 3rd regular season basketball game on a play that happened midway through the 4th quarter. We might as well go back and overturn every result in the history of sports if you think this is worthy of restarting a game. I honestly thought that Tim MacMahon tweet was fake at first it was so crazy of an idea. 

Just take your L and move on for the love of God. You want to know why people hate the Houston Rockets and James Harden? Well, it's this exact kind of bitching and moaning. Such an unbelievably tough look. 

P.S. I'd be in support of the Rockets getting this win if you just take away the 2017 World Series from the Houston Astros. Fine by me. Credit to me for coming to my senses and making a deal to make everyone happy. Nice little Houston vs. Houston swap for the good of the world. 

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