Duke Is Back And You're All Fucked

This is exactly what Duke needed last night, just come out take the lead from the 1st second to the last second and it was a beautiful thing to see. Don’t worry I’m not here to bore you with stats or tell you how fucking good Vernon Carey is but I am here to tell you to watch out for this team. This is beginning to feel like a Duke team where everyone is going to hate them. Yeah everyone hates Duke but last year was a different feel because we had a once in a lifetime player so people enjoyed watching them. Now we have some veterans, really great young Talent and most importantly bench players that can make a difference. With Cassius Stanley out it is giving the younger guys or bench players more minutes that will help down the road during tournament time.

I am just here to remind you that this is a team that you do not want to fuck with this year. Thanks to Vegas for giving us +6 on them yesterday because that was easy as fuck. This is one of those weird years that there isn’t that one dominant team where you can pencil them in to the final four. College basketball is weird this year because teams like Depaul and Dayton can beat anyone. I mention those two teams because they just keep winning me bets and I am addicted to them. Depaul is still undefeated with a test tonight against Texas Tech which I will still be taking Depaul.

Side note: You are welcome for that Louisville pick last night, when I have a feeling like that you just have to #ridewithmush. I don’t have that exact feeling like I did last night but Yale -5 against Albany seems like the play. All in all watch the fuck out for Duke.

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