Horny Tiger Sets A New Sex Record

(The Independent) – A tiger has undertaken the longest walk ever recorded in India, roaming more than 800 miles in five months, according to researchers.

Experts said the three-year-old big cat set out from its home at a wildlife sanctuary in the western state of Maharashtra in June.

It travelled a meandering 808 miles (1,300km) across forests, farms, roads and hundreds of villages to a neighbouring state before settling at another sanctuary in Maharashtra.

The male tiger probably kept moving in search of territory, prey or a mate, experts said.

The cat, known by researchers as C1, was one of three cubs born to the female T1 in Tipeshwar wildlife sanctuary in late 2016. It was fitted with a radio collar in February and was tracked using GPS.

Must not be any Perkins in that part of Maharashtra.

That’s it. That’s all I had to say on the matter. Hope everyone’s having a swell Tuesday.

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