We Have a Most Impressive Sex Scandal Teacher Update

Last week before the holiday, I graded Newest Sex Scandal Teacher and former Teacher of the Year Award winner Randi Chaverria, from the proud SST state of Texas:

I have to admit I didn’t think much of her story:

Obviously the details here are paper thin. Non-existent really, at least by the lofty standards of a great SST state like Texas, where the bar is set so high. All we know is Randi Chaverria is out a job because of some sort of unspecified inappropriateness and facing 20 years. That and the fact she’s a decorated teacher. …

Moral Compass/Bad Judgment: Be better, Texas. I expect more out of a Teacher of the Year.
Grade: D

Well, consider this my apology, both to Mrs. Chaverria and the Lone SSTar State, for my rush to judgment. Because we have one of the true joys for all connoisseurs of the Sex Scandal Teacher arts.

We have … an update:

A high school teacher in Texas is accused of giving a student oral sex two times in a classroom, media outlets report.

Just last year, the school district named her “Teacher of the Year.”

Randi Chaverria, 36, a family and consumer science teacher at Round Rock High School, was arrested Tuesday on a charge of an improper relationship between and educator and a student, KXAN reported. The student told investigators that Chaverria had called him to have sex on several occasions during the fall semester, KXAN reported.

According to an arrest affidavit, she gave the student oral sex two times in a classroom, KVUE reported. Police obtained text messages that support the student’s claims, the Austin TV station reported.

And that, is how you do that. That is how you go from a Moral Compass/Bad Judgment Grade: D and turn it into a Grade: B+, at least. Maybe even a Grade: A. You do it through dedication. Through paying the price. Through evidentiary, incriminating text messages. And most of all, through classroom blowies. That is the kind of thing that’ll get you noticed by the committee that picks out the end of the year All Star Lineup. The only award more prestigious than that Teacher of the Year thing.

So I’m sorry, Randi. But not really. Because in the GtNSST game, extra credit is always available, even if I spoke to soon before. In the words of the great Steven Wright (who once came across a comedy club to tell me he really liked my stand up, so he’ll always be a genius in my eyes), “the early bird catches the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.”

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