Knicks Dumpster Fire Temperature At The All Star Break: Still White Hot

One last game tomorrow night at home against Sacramento before limping to the All Star Break, and the Knicks Dumpster Fire still burns White Hot. I thought they would have graduated to the final stage of Dumpster Fires – Blue Hot – by now, but they’ve just been steadily terrible and maintaining the status quo. A loss tomorrow night, which, after the Milwaukee debacle is always a possibility, and they fall to 20-32. Through 52 games last season, the Knicks were the exact opposite – 32-20. This season they’re sporting an atrocious 12-17 record at the Garden. Last year they were 19-8 at this point on their way to going 31-10 at home. Its a complete and utter disaster. The total opposite of last year’s campaign. And the best part is we still have 30 games to go.

I thought the Knicks had a chance to make a “run” at the payoffs after winning 6 of 7 to start January. Then they lost 6 in a row. They followed it up with another 4 game winning streak and kinda gave me another false sense of confidence. And now, after losing 4 of 5 to start February including the Milwaukee debacle, its officially time to Cuncel Da Saeson.

Personally I think this is more where the Knicks should have been last year. Before the ’12-’13 season started I was low on the Knicks. Obviously after 54 wins and a 2 seed I had egg on my face. But that was a big time over achievement from that squad. All a product of a career year from JR Smith, Melo playing like an immortal at times, Tyson Chandler remaining healthy enough and playing like a max contract interior presence, and a supporting cast of characters that could shoot the lights out. Recreating all of that was going to be practically impossible. But recreating none of it has the franchise is complete anarchy. The clock struck midnight and JR Smith has turned back into a pumpkin. Tyson Chandler needs to hit the showers and join an old folks home. Melo has done all he can but when you’ve got a fat piece of shit like Felton running the point and Kenyon Martin is playing significant minutes, theres only so much one man can do.

So now Melo is having private tea parties with Dolan and Woodson is floundering in limbo. The franchise has absolutely zero clue where they are heading for the foreseeable future. No draft picks, stuck between a rock and hard place with Melo, in a period of time where Miami and Indiana are gonna have a stronghold on the East for some time to come. Plenty of money coming off the books in coming years is the only glimmer of hope, but with Dolan as the owner and a front office that appears to be completely lost at times, there’s no much hope that we spend it effectively. All thats left for the Knicks right now is an embarrassing off the court situation to kick us into Blue Hot territory. Everything else is lost.

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