Lori Laughlin's Daughter Returns To YouTube, Immediately Gets Dragged For Refusing To Talk About Her Mother's Case

Source - Olivia Jade has marked her return to YouTube after a nearly-nine-month hiatus sparked by the college admissions scandal that is still looming over the heads of her parents Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli, and social media reaction is both passionate and mixed.

That said, many of the commenters to her YouTube video have been calling her out there and on other platforms like Twitter, alleging that Olivia is deleting negative comments … so that’s one way to handle it.

Apparently, the one-time influencer was nervous about returning to the platform and wrestled with the decision for months before making it official on Sunday with a short two-minute post titled “Hi again.” In it, she hems and haws about the college scandal that took down her parents and many other wealthy families without going into any specifics.

“As much as I wish I could talk about all of this,” she said of the scandal. “It’s really hard for me to say this because I know that it’s something that needs to be addressed, it’s just unfortunately … I’m legally not allowed to speak on anything going on right now.”

That restriction is a huge part of why Olivia wasn’t even sure she should come back, but she said she felt she had to because she missed filming and feels like “a huge part of me is just not the same.”

In other words, her reasoning is quite simple: ” I wanna come back because I wanna come back.” And while she’s sorry she can’t talk about the legal situation her family finds themselves in, she ultimately decided it shouldn’t stop her from doing something she’s passionate about.

Here’s the video:

I’ve been following this college admissions scandal pretty closely ever since the news broke last spring and I can honestly say that I’ve never felt bad for anyone involved until now. This poor girl wants nothing more than to make YouTube videos and she can’t because her lunatic mother “allegedly” paid five-hundred-thousand dollars to have her and her sister admitted to USC.

It’s funny because I was expecting a completely disingenuous video and got the opposite. Like I wanted to hate Jade- she’s the daughter of a celebrity whose success is a direct result of her parent’s fame, but I can’t. By all accounts she’s a good kid who got caught up in bad situation all because her mother is crazy person. Then again, considering the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, she could’ve been in on the whole thing. Time will tell. By the way, her mom is still fighting the case despite being threatened with fifty years behind bars…

A month ago, Loughlin and Giannulli pleaded not guilty to a charge of federal bribery, in with a possible 50 year sentence. The couple are among the dwindling number of accused who are continuing to fight against the charges in the college admission scandal.

When the story first broke in March, the pair were accused of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud, crimes that carry a maximum sentence of 20 years.

When they pleaded not guilty, extra charges of conspiracy to commit money laundering were tacked on, doubling the max penalty to 40 years. With the additional charge of federal bribery, the couple could be looking at half a century behind bars.

If that doesn’t prove she’s a lunatic then I don’t know what will. Naturally, Twitter reacted to her return in a calm and rational way…

It eventually got so bad she had to disable her YouTube comments.

Seems like a bit much if you ask me. I get why people would be upset, but if you’re SO upset that you start tweeting about how she shouldn’t be “forgiven” and that she “robbed people of scholarships”, you need to be put in a mental institution. A rich person paid to have her kids get into college- get over it. It happens all the time. The only difference here is that the rich person is a celebrity and her daughter is a pretty girl with a YouTube channel. Who knows whether or not she’ll continue to make videos and who cares. The only thing that matters is that her mom ends up in jail.

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