Lady Gaga Walked Down The Street With No Wig And Without A Bra And Holy Shit She's Gross


Yikes.  I’m don’t know what I was expecting but holy shit is Lady Gaga gross.  Wasn’t she kind of good looking at one point?  Maybe not good looking but she had a decent body.  I’m not even sure what I’m looking at in those pictures.  You could even talk me into that being a dude.  No joke.  And you know those Guess My Age booths at carnivals where somebody tries to guess how old a person is?  Sometimes they get close and some times they’re way off/  Well if Lady Gaga went to one of those he/she would confuse the fuck out the guy running the booth.  Probably make the guy’s brain explode.  She could be anywhere from 25 to 85.  Just a complete mind fuck.

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