What Is The Worst/Strangest Movie Your Family Has On VHS/DVD?

It's that wonderful time of year where we all brave insane amounts of traffic to go home and get yelled at by our parents for "Not having a real job" and 'Not having a big tiddy goth GF despite both your younger brothers being engaged already". One of the positive things about going to your family home, however, is taking a trip down nostalgia lane. That means it's time to kick off the second annual LCB contest for the weirdest/strangest movies your family owns on VHS or DVD. I'm talking that clunky clamshell cassette of Aristocats, the director's cut Blu Ray of 'Accepted' or maybe even 57 copies of 'Click'.

So blow the dust off the wicker container of movies and tweet them all at the LCB account tomorrow. Here are some examples from last time:

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