Wake Up With Wily Mo Pena Almost Leaving Kauffman Stadium With A Towering Shot

Big Wily Mo Pena. Built like a house and could hit a ball a country mile. Guy wasn’t that good of a player, but hoooo boy could he show off the power. Literally almost hitting one out of Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, and I don’t care that the video says 462 feet because it is lying right to our face. MLB Home Run estimates are the biggest crocks of shit ever. This ball was well over 500 and you can’t tell me otherwise. Guy is build like a beer league softball player, he played like one too. I love that he’s some sort of folk hero too. He’ll pop into my mind every now and then and I remember the homers like this that he had. Can’t wait to tell my kids about big Wily Mo.

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