Phil Mickelson Is In BIG Trouble With These Insider Trading Allegations..........Just Kidding Turns Out He Had Absolutely Nothing To Do With It


Forbes- When news first broke about the existence of a federal insider-trading probe into billionaire Carl Icahn, golfer Phil Mickelson and sports gambler William Walters, Icahn was quick to point out that he and Mickelson didn’t know each other. Now, it appears that there really isn’t any connection between Icahn and Mickelson. The New York Times reported on Wednesday night that Mickelson did not trade shares of Clorox CLX -0.91% in 2011.Initial reports about the insider-trading probe said that federal investigators were examining trading of Clorox by Mickelson and Walters around the time that Icahn was launching a takeover effort of the company that ultimately failed. The government appeared to be looking into whether Icahn leaked details of his takeover plans that Mickelson and Walters, who does know Icahn, traded on. All three men have denied any wrongdoing. But if Mickelson didn’t even trade in Clorox, there would be no issue that could even potentially tie the golfer to Icahn.

Huh?  Okay then.  Well that was a big ol’ waste of time for everybody involved.  It was just a couple weeks about when the news broke that Phil was being investigated by the feds about insider trading, all hell was breaking loose and his future as a free man looked uncertain.  We thought we were witnessing the fall of squeaky clean family man Phil.  I even had someone e-mail me that the feds kicked down Phil’s doors and raided his house while he was playing in a tournament (pretty sure that never happened).  But today we learned that Phil doesn’t even know the guy who’s being investigated by the FBI and it was the media’s fault for blowing it way out of proportion?  That doesn’t sound like the media in 2014.  They never take something small and take it too far in order to get clicks and views.  That’d be disingenuous.   To be honest I’m not sure what the fuck is going on here.  It really does sound like Phil did nothing wrong here.  He’s has stayed firm the whole time that he did nothing wrong and he’s gotta feel pretty good about this news today.

Even my new best friend Mark Cuban is mad about the media misreporting the story.


My guess is no, Mark.  ESPN will not do that.  Let’s do lunch?

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