The Terrorist's Nickname Was Jizz? What The Fuck?



So I’m like 2 pages into the Rolling Stone article (it’s online now) and this is undoubtedly the most shocking revelation yet. His nickname was Jizz?! What in the fuck is that? Anyone who claims they never expected him to do something crazy can throw that excuse out the window immediately. Because if you allow people to call you Jizz your whole life then you’re a sick human being and a certified lunatic. No ifs, ands or buts about it. I don’t care how normal he seemed or what his 3 pt stroke was like or how much weed he smoked, he’s insane and you should expect the very worst from him.


PS – like I said I’m only 2 pages in but thus far the whole thing is a terrorist blowjob. Everyone talking about how awesome, cuddly, kind and perfect he was. How the FUCK are people still saying this? What are they thinking? If anyone I know ever blows innocent people up I won’t say a single kind word about them. Don’t care if it’s my own mother, I’d call them a piece of shit that deserves to rot in hell.

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