LeBron Admits He Hasn't Played Defense For Years And Accuses A Ref Of Being Influenced By Media To Make Bad Calls Against Him

Hmm, so LeBron admits he hasn't played defense for years and hurt his team on that side of the ball? Where was that accountability when his teams were losing? Isn't that what a leader of a team, something that LeBron makes sure everyone knows he is, is supposed to do? I mean, I don't know why LeBron would be accused of not playing defense. 

Just some awesome, 110% effort from LeBron last year - and these are just the clips that were easy to find in our search function. So sure, LeBron during 15 games you've hustled on defense. Sure, it has nothing to do with Anthony Davis behind you and winning a bunch of games again. 

And then how about the move to accuse the ref of being influenced by media? I'm pretty sure he's directly asking if he reads Dave Portnoy blogs, but that just might be my brain. No one has been more willing to call out LeBron's defensive efforts more than our fearless leader. Now I wonder if this ref is a Stoolie because of this. 

Just give me more than 15 games of effort and perhaps we'll change the narrative LeBron. This is just a classic LeBron clip though. Begging for calls, trying to change the narrative because he knows people are right. 

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