Does This Look Like The Face Of A Lesbian Who Cut The Tops Off Of All Her Ex-Girlfriend's Dildos?

Huff Po – This fight came to a head when the sex toys got decapitated. That’s the accusation that Florida woman Lakenya Bristol, 32, is hurling at her former girlfriend, 37-year-old Regina Watts. Bristol was arrested in mid-November for domestic violence, according to The Smoking Gun. After that, Watts packed up Bristol’s belongings and told her to move. When Bristol went through her items, she saw her three dildos, but their tops had been chopped off. According to a police report uncovered by The Smoking Gun, Watts denied any sex toy sabotage and said the dildo damage must have come after she gave Bristol back her stuff. Investigators in Indian River County have since closed the probe, citing a “lack of further investigative leads.”

Nothing cuts to the core of a lesbian like chopping the heads off of her dildos. Nothing. I mean dildos and vibrators are all they got in this world. Deep down every chick craves some dick. It just depends on if its a real dick attached to a living man, or a rubber dick you can blast yourself with. Make no mistake, dykes love dick too. So decapitating dildos is just about the most disrespectful thing you can do to a lesbian. Because a dick without a tip is no dick at all. Its just a weird cylinder of sorts. You need a dickhead to define the dick. Otherwise you’ve just got a rubber tube. I’m no lesbian and I’ve never been fucked by a dildo but I’d imagine a headless dildo ain’t really the same.

So yea this is just about as spiteful as it gets for lesbians. It would be like an ex-girlfriend chopping off my hands so I couldn’t get on YouJizz and crack stick. Not as violent and a little more metaphorical in the lesbian scenario, but nonetheless a similar revenge plot.

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