Southern Baptists Are Trying To Get A Million Men To Sign A Petition Agreeing To Not Watch Porn For A Year

(Source)The Southern Baptists are looking for 1 million men willing to forgo pornography for a year. “Internet pornography is the perfect trap because it hooks men and then men don’t know what to do,” Lakeland Baptist pastor Jay Dennis told the Baptist Press. “I am hoping that this will be the launch, the discussion-starter for pastors to go back and start having hard discussions with their men.” The “Join One Million Men” campaign was announced at the Southern Bapstist Concention annual meeting in Houston. Men addicted to porn are urged to register at the website, along with women praying for sexual purity for their men. Dennis, pastor of the First Baptist Church at the Mall, is author of Our Hardcore Battle Plan: Joining in the War Against Pornography. A companion volume for wives, Our Hardcore Battle for Wives, was written by Dennis and Cathy Dyer.


How long could you honestly go without internet porn? A week, maybe? Asking one million men to go without porn for a year is honestly one of the most outrageous things a church could do. I’ll come in hungover on Sundays, I’ll sing your stupid songs, I’ll eat your crackers and pretend they don’t taste like shit, I’ll even drop a fiver in your collection tray. But the last thing in the world I’m doing is giving up internet porn. Greatest invention of our generation. I’d imagine the Southern Baptists are about to experience a mass exodus. If your club is too cool for jerking off then I’m out!

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