Shin-Soo Choo Turns Down 7 Years, $140 million Offer From The Yankees

Listen I know Shin Soo Choo is a fine player. A great leadoff man. Some nice power that goes along with it. Any time you’ve got a leadoff batter hitting 20 bombs getting on base at a .400 clip, thats obviously undeniably valuable.

But I don’t think I want to live in a world where Shin Soo Choo is turning down $140 million dollars. That is absolutely fucking insane. I know Boras is his client, and you know he’s going to get every single dollar thats possibly out there for his guys. I know you could argue that he’s at least as valuable as Jacoby Ellsbury. But turning down 20 million bucks a year for the next 7 years is just so outrageously cocky I hope it comes back to bite him in the ass. I mean don’t get me wrong – I love that he spit right in the Yankees‘ face. And I don’t particularly like MLB owners. They are all kinda cocksuckers. Choo should go get every dollar he can. But when you say “thanks but no thanks” to 140 million I have no choice but to think you’re an asshole.

I think I’d honestly be a little bit scared to be a Scott Boras client. Imagine you get a 7 year, 140 million dollar deal offered and someone is like “Nah. Just trust me.” Uh no bro. Lets just fucking say yes. How about that? If there’s any justice Boras ends up with egg on his face on this one and Choo gets like 90 million.

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